10 Signs That He Is a Toxic Boyfriend

Yes, there’s no such thing as a perfect boyfriend, but you have to be cautious with the red flags. It will create so much negative impact in your life, you really have to be observant enough. Nothing good will come out of being in a toxic relationship. Don’t stand for someone causing you that kind of pain. In the end, it will only hurt that much.

Here are Somtom’s 10 signs that he is a toxic boyfriend.

1. If he is way too controlling

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Photo by Mike Lloyd on Unsplash

He doesn’t allow you to wear what you want to. He wants you to do whatever he says. He doesn’t own your body, girl, do whatever you wanted to do with it. You have to cut him off if his toxic masculinity is showing.

2. If he easily gets upset and be enraged when you are in an argument

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Photo by Alexandra Mirgheș on Unsplash

He will cuss you and lose his cool in no time. If he is behaving this way in the early stages of your relationship, he isn’t going to change in the future. Trust me!

3. If he physically and emotionally  abuses you

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Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash

When he is angry and upset he comes out with the physical violence. He beats you endlessly and chokes you. He would then emotionally blackmail you too. You have to report him to the authorities if he does this.

4. If he does not respect you or even the people that you love

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Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash

He tends to humiliate you in front of his friends.  He also  shows tension to your loved ones by provoking them. He cusses them too. If he does not respect your family members, he will also not respect you. If respect is not there in your relationship, then you are in big trouble.

5. If he is overly jealous for no reason at all

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Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

He doesn’t like it when you go out with your friends. He makes you feel guilty for wanting to go out with them too. He is very possessive about you. He is also very manipulative with emotions.

6. If he is very impatient and does major tantrums

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Photo by Vera Arsic from Pexels

Whenever you do that personal shopping with him, he is always irked about having to wait for you to finish. You would walk out in his face for no good reason at all.

7. If he is a liar

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Photo by Polina Zimmerman from Pexels

He breaks your trust all the time. He continues to say that he is going to change, but he continues to do it over and over again. He is a total contrast to what he says he is.

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