40+ Smart Ways to Use Baby Oil

Most of us have used baby oil at some stage in life. In fact, many of us still have a bottle rattling around our bathroom cabinet. Well, it’s time to rummage around and rescue that precious baby oil because we have a whole list of ways that it can be used. This throwback product is cheap, it has gentle ingredients, and it’s a great multitasker. From household hacks to budget beauty tips, it’s all about the baby oil.

Deep Clean Your Makeup Brushes

It’s very important to clean makeup brushes. Understandably, they pick up lots of bacteria when being swiped onto skin and smeared into products. There are lots of makeup brush cleaners on the market, but they can be pricey.

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Deep Clean Your Makeup Brushes

Many people use baby shampoo to clean their makeup brushes. It’s gentle, particularly on the delicate bristles of cosmetic brushes. However, baby oil can also be used to deep clean and condition makeup brushes. Every other time you clean them, opt for baby oil instead.

Tame Your Eyebrows

There are a whole host of products available to use on eyebrows. There’s gel, pomade, oil, powder, and serum. However, baby oil does the job pretty well. Just dip an eyebrow spoolie into some baby oil and brush directly onto your brows.

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Tame Your Eyebrows

This tames rogue hairs and helps to shape brows into your preferred position. As with most uses of baby oil, there’s the added bonus of moisturization. Using baby oil on brows keeps them hydrated and well-conditioned.

Mix a Tinted Moisturizer

Beauty goes through cycles. Sometimes, it’s fashionable to have a face with full coverage foundation. These days, it’s all about a dewy glow. Rather than splashing out on the new Glossier product, you can opt for baby oil instead.

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Mix a Tinted Moisturizer

To try this, just add a few drops to your existing foundation to create your own tinted moisturizer. As with using baby oil on your hair, this is dependent on your skin type. People with oiler skin would be best to skip this tip.

Revive Old Mascara

We’ve all been there when it comes to mascara. It starts out thick and glossy, and ends up dry and crusty. However, there’s a way of getting it back. You guessed it – it’s baby oil! Add a few drops of baby oil to your mascara tube and give it a good shake.

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Revive Old Mascara

And voilà, your mascara is liquid again. This is also beneficial because baby oil is gentle and moisturizing. This means your mascara will also double as a gentle eyelash conditioner.

Amp Up Your Dusting

Now, baby oil isn’t just for beauty. The product actually makes a great cheap household cleaning product. For example, it’s great for dusting. To try this, pour a few drops of baby oil onto a cloth and get to work.

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Amp Up Your Dusting

It picks up even more dust than a dry cloth would. Using baby oil for dusting also keeps dust at bay for longer. If you wish, you can use a dry cloth afterward to buff away any oil residue that’s left behind.

Remove Excess Wax

Many people choose to do their own waxing at home. There are lots of kits available, and it’s much cheaper than going to a salon. However, at home waxing usually leads to bits of wax residue clinging to the skin. As it dries, it clings on even harder.

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Remove Excess Wax

But, guess what? Baby oil can solve that problem! To remove excess wax, just pour some baby oil onto a cotton ball and apply it to the waxy residue. It softens the wax, allowing you to just wipe it off.

Soften Cracked Heels & Ankles

Baby oil is a great moisturizer. This means that it’s a great solution to a very common problem – cracked ankles and heels. Lots of folks are self-conscious about scaly skin, but baby oil can help to soften it.

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Soften Cracked Heels & Ankles

When you get out of the shower or bath, smear some baby oil onto your cracked ankles and/or heels. If you do this on a regular basis, the skin will start to get smoother. Alternatively, you can soak your feet in oil for a faster result.

Make a Face Mask

In recent years, there’s been a real uptick in commercially available face masks. These include Japanese sheet masks, kaolin clay masks, and even masks made from snail slime. However, it’s much cheaper to mix up your own mask at home.

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Make a Face Mask

To try a tightening baby oil face mask, mix baby oil, egg white, and tea tree oil — and apply to your face. Alternatively, for a moisturizing mask, combine baby oil and mayonnaise, and leave the mixture on your skin for 20 minutes.

Make a Budget Bath Oil

First things first, we know that baby oil is used on babies. This is because it’s hypoallergenic and moisturizes to create baby soft skin. For these very reasons, it’s also good on adult skin. One way to soften skin and unwind is to add a touch of baby oil to your bubble bath.

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Make a Budget Bath Oil

Rather than spending a fortune on expensive bath oils, just add baby oil directly into the water. Alternatively, you can mix a few drops into your bubble bath for a silkier result.

Keep Skin Soft

Anyone that’s used it knows that baby oil is one of the best moisturizers out there. Rather than splashing out on an expensive body lotion, give yourself a once-over with some baby oil instead. You’ll end up with super soft skin, trust us.

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Keep Skin Soft

Some people use baby oil when their body is still damp after a bath or shower. This locks in the moisture from the water as the pores are already open. This will lead to soft, hydrated skin all day long.

Have a Thrifty Massage

We’re back to the basics of baby oil. Many parents use the product to give their babies a gentle massage. Of course, it can also be used on adults in the same way. There are lots of benefits to massage.

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Have a Thrifty Massage

It reduces stress, improves circulation, lowers blood pressure, and improves immune function. To use baby oil as a massage oil, simply slather it on the skin and get to work. It will leave skin smooth and isn’t as pricey as official massage oils.

Refresh Your Shower Curtain

Anyone that has a shower curtain knows that they can get a little grimy. The constant moisture from running water means that mildew can easily collect along the edges of a shower curtain. This can cause discoloration and an overall grubby bathroom vibe.

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Refresh Your Shower Curtain

However, baby oil can change that. Simply apply some baby oil to a cloth and wipe it over the shower curtain. This will remove mildew, restore color and keep the curtain fresh for longer. Baby oil does it again!

Refresh Your Under Eyes

We’ve already mentioned that there’s a beauty product for almost everything. Ordinarily, these specialist items cost quite a lot of cash. Therefore, it’s thriftier to use one product for multiple things. Naturally, we recommend baby oil.

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Refresh Your Under Eyes

Rather than reaching for expensive under-eye gel or cream, try massaging a little baby oil under the eyes for several minutes instead. Wipe away any excess oil afterward and you’ll be left with de-puffed under eyes. This ritual works particularly well right before bed.

Create New Colors

Guess what? Baby oil can even be used for arts and crafts. For people that like to draw, baby oil can amp up the color options and textures available for your creations. After all, experimentation is the key to unlocking new ideas.

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Create New Colors

To try this, dip a paintbrush in some baby oil and get blending. The product can deepen the appearance of colored pencil and allows for detailed shading. In fact, it’s a great alternative to using watercolors. Seriously, it’s a multi-tasker!

Restore Old Leather

Although leather is a long-lasting fabric, it can still get scuffed. Anyone with a leather couch knows that it’s prime for scratch marks. However, with a small amount of effort – and baby oil – you can restore leather so it gleams again.

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Restore Old Leather

As with using baby oil for dusting, using it on leather is simple. Simply wipe down leather items with baby oil and watch them transform. This hack has the additional benefit of creating a barrier between the item and any dirt that might land on it.

Try an Overnight Foot Treatment

We know that baby oil is a great solution to cracked ankles. But, why not apply it to the entire foot? To do this, slather your feet in baby oil and then put on a pair of socks. This may sound a little uncomfortable, but it guarantees baby soft feet.

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Try an Overnight Foot Treatment

If you can handle sleeping with a pair of oily socks on, then it’s best to do this overnight. When you wake up, you’ll remove the socks to find that your feet have absorbed all of the oil.

Create a Body Scrub

We’ve seen lots of examples of baby oil used exactly as it comes. But, there are also plenty of recipes that include baby oil. Mixed with a few simple and cheap ingredients, baby oil opens up a whole new world of hacks.

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Create a Body Scrub

To create your own moisturizing body scrub, mix one tablespoon of baby oil with half a cup of brown sugar and two tablespoons of honey. Apply to your skin in a circular motion and then wash or wipe away.

Easy Makeup Remover

Lots of makeup removers contain oils. In particular, oil is great at removing products like mascara and eyeliner, which tend to be longer lasting than eyeshadows or foundation. So, naturally, you can use baby oil as a cheap but effective makeup remover.

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Easy Makeup Remover

To try this, soak a cotton bud or wipe in baby oil and smear it on your face. Once your makeup is gone, wash your face with water or a cleanser. This is best for people with drier skin types.

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