Archaeologists uncover ancient ‘portal to the underworld’ used to summon the dead

Archaeologists uncover ancient 'portal to the underworld' used to summon the dead
Featured Image Credit: B. Zissu under the Te’omim Cave Archaeological Project

The discovery of an ancient “portal to the underworld” by archaeologists has captured the imagination of people around the world, shedding light on ancient beliefs and rituals surrounding death and the afterlife.

Unearthed at an archaeological site believed to date back thousands of years, the portal, also known as a “gate to the underworld,” is thought to have been used by ancient civilizations as a means of communicating with the dead or summoning spirits from the netherworld.

Archaeologists at the site. B. Zissu under the Te’omim Cave Archaeological Project
Archaeologists at the site. B. Zissu under the Te’omim Cave Archaeological Project

The portal, which consists of a series of intricate carvings and inscriptions, is situated within a larger complex that researchers believe served as a sacred site or ceremonial center for ancient rituals related to death and the afterlife.

While the exact purpose and function of the portal remain shrouded in mystery, archaeologists speculate that it may have been used by ancient priests or shamans to conduct rituals or ceremonies aimed at communicating with deceased ancestors or seeking guidance from the spirit world.

One of the human skulls found in the cave. B. Zissu under the Te’omim Cave Archaeological Project
One of the human skulls found in the cave. B. Zissu under the Te’omim Cave Archaeological Project

The discovery has sparked fascination and intrigue among archaeologists and historians, offering a glimpse into the spiritual beliefs and practices of ancient civilizations. It also raises questions about the role of death and the afterlife in shaping the cultural and religious traditions of the past.

In many ancient cultures, beliefs about the afterlife played a central role in religious and funerary practices, with rituals and ceremonies aimed at ensuring a safe passage for the deceased to the realm of the dead. The discovery of the portal provides valuable insights into these beliefs and sheds new light on the spiritual worldviews of ancient peoples.

As archaeologists continue to study and interpret the findings, the discovery of the ancient portal serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring human fascination with death and the afterlife, as well as the profound ways in which these beliefs have shaped our understanding of the world around us.

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