Can You Spot The Problem With This Picture?

Still haven’t spotted it? Here’s a hint: two of the women are “sitting” with their legs crossed.

We all enjoy a good puzzle from time to time. Puzzles not only provide fun but also exercise our brains and sharpen our visual reflexes. They can even teach us valuable life lessons. This may seem like a stretch, but solving picture puzzles genuinely helps improve logical thinking.

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Take the problem with the photo above, for example. The answer is right in front of you and should be the first thing you notice, but our minds tend to search from a complex rather than a simple perspective. Instead of looking at the photo with an open mind, most people concentrate their mental resources on hidden details and secret elements.

Sometimes, it’s helpful to start small and view the big picture simultaneously. Doing so can help you find what you’re searching for quickly. This approach, learned from solving puzzles, could become a useful life lesson. You might encounter a situation with no apparent solution, but reconditioning your mind to search from a simpler perspective might reveal the answer you need.

Have you noticed it yet?

Alright, here’s the answer: what are the women sitting on? That’s right — they’re sitting on nothing but air.image2 1 2

If you didn’t catch it at first, it’s likely because you didn’t expect something so improbable to be the problem. Your eyes may have noticed the anomaly, but your brain didn’t process it as a probable cause, so it ignored it and kept searching for something more likely.

This is why puzzles can offer great life lessons.

This photo is clearly the work of a skilled Photoshop artist, and we love seeing such creativity!

Now that you know to look for the most obvious and unlikely issues, try solving the following puzzles to enhance your detective skills. You can check your answers in the solution section below.

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