What Happened to the Cast of ‘Game of Thrones’ Today? Here’s What They’re Up To

As every Game of Thrones fan knows, winter was coming for a long, long time. The Night King and his white walkers came and went, and everyone lived happily ever after. Well, not everyone… most characters met their maker! But what happened to the cast of the most successful show ever made? Let’s find out which of the cast members lived happily ever after and which were doomed…

Sean Bean – Then

Yorkshire’s finest son, Sean Bean, was born in Sheffield in 1959. He shot to fame in the 1990s on TV as Napoleonic wartime hero Richard Sharpe and became a famous face in Hollywood. His character Alec Trevelyan battled 007 James Bond in Goldeneye.

?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdaa2cpxieyuku.cloudfront.net%2Fwp content%2Fuploads%2F2024%2F06%2F23114012%2FGetty Images Jeff KravitzFilmMagic
Getty Images // Jeff Kravitz // FilmMagic

Sean’s most famous role was playing Boromir in The Fellowship of the Ring. However, Boromir didn’t last long as, after trying to take the ring from Fordo, he was taken down by orcs while protecting the Hobbits.

Sean Bean – Now

Sean Bean lasted about the same time as Ned Stark as he did Boromir. Joffrey Baratheon had the Head of House Stark beheaded after just nine episodes! Since losing his head in season one, Bean has appeared in Silent Hill: RevelationPossessor, and aided Matt Damon’s stranded astronaut in The Martian.

?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdaa2cpxieyuku.cloudfront.net%2Fwp content%2Fuploads%2F2024%2F06%2F23114047%2FInstagram sean bean official
Instagram // @sean_bean_official

The screen legend’s recent television credits include LegendsThe Frankenstein ChroniclesSnowpiercer, and the BBC’s prison series Time — for which he won the British Academy Television Award as Leading Actor.

Isaac Hempstead Wright – Then

Isaac Hempstead Wright was born in 1999 in Surrey, England. As a boy, he took acting classes to avoid playing soccer on cold British mornings! At a young age, Wright became interested in acting and joined a drama club to overcome his shyness. His passion for acting raised its head, and he started auditioning for roles.

?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdaa2cpxieyuku.cloudfront.net%2Fwp content%2Fuploads%2F2024%2F06%2F23114020%2FGettyImages Danny MartindaleWireImage
Getty Images // Danny Martindale // WireImage

Isaac’s big break came aged 10 when producers cast him as Bran Stark. His character was a blind warg and Three-Eyed Raven who possessed supernatural gifts.

Isaac Hempstead Wright – Now

Surprising every Game of Thrones fan, Bran Stark eventually won the Iron Throne (well, it was actually destroyed by Drogon’s dragon fire breath) to be crowned as the King of the Seven Kingdoms (well, it’s actually Six Kingdoms now!) Isaac dropped out of the University of Birmingham to focus on acting, but that didn’t go too well…

?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdaa2cpxieyuku.cloudfront.net%2Fwp content%2Fuploads%2F2024%2F06%2F23114036%2FInstagram %2540isaachwright
Instagram // @isaachwright

In 2019, the secular humanist and Harry Potter look-a-like returned to study neuroscience, saying he intended to continue acting while doing so. He last appeared in 2021’s Voyagers.

Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson – Then

Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson was born in 1988 in Reykjavík, Iceland. A lanky teenager, the real-life Viking initially played basketball before becoming a professional strongman athlete. Standing a towering 6’8″, he was the perfect choice to replace ​Conan Stevens and Ian Whyte as Ser Gregor “The Mountain that Rides” Clegane from the fourth season onward.

?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdaa2cpxieyuku.cloudfront.net%2Fwp content%2Fuploads%2F2024%2F06%2F23114023%2FGettyImages Gilbert Carrasquillo
Getty Images // Gilbert Carrasquillo

Gregor Cleghane is Sandor “The Hound” Clegane’s older brother. The siblings have hated each other since Gregor scarred Sandor by thrusting his face into a brazier.

Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson – Now

The Mountain became Cersei Lannister’s personal bodyguard and took delight in ripping enemies to pieces or chopping their heads off! He was eventually poisoned by Oberyn “The Red Viper” Martell’s poisoned spear during trial by combat.

?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdaa2cpxieyuku.cloudfront.net%2Fwp content%2Fuploads%2F2024%2F06%2F23114045%2FInstagram %2540thorbjornsson
Instagram // @thorbjornsson

After GoT, Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson won the Arnold Strongman Classic three times, became a Guinness World Record-holding deadlifter, and an undefeated heavyweight boxer. However, he only secured a few acting jobs, with his sole acting credit being a short but memorable part in Robbert Egger’s epic Viking saga, The Northman.

Rory McCann – Then

If you thought you knew The Hound from somewhere, you might recognize him for playing Michael “Lurch” Armstrong, the supermarket ogre from Edgar Wright’s comedy Hot Fuzz. You might also have recognized Scottish actor Rory McCann from his first acting job as an extra on Ron Howard’s Willow… if he wasn’t fired for laughing between scenes!

?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdaa2cpxieyuku.cloudfront.net%2Fwp content%2Fuploads%2F2024%2F06%2F23114029%2FInstagram %2540bigmanrorymccann
Instagram // @bigmanrorymccann

Luckily, the Glaswegian actor didn’t get fired from Game of Thrones, playing Gregor Clegane’s younger brother, Sandor Clegane, aka The Hound, for seven out of eight seasons.

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