40+ Moments People Were Crushed by Just One Punchline Online

This article appeared in twistkoala.com and has been published here with permission.

It’s not great to be on the receiving end of an insult, but to read others get slammed with one-line comebacks can be quite entertaining. We’ve compiled a list of 40+ moments people were totally crushed by just one punchline on the internet. From food pics to embarrassing moments, this list has it all…

Italicized Twins

Considering the average wait in line to see the Mona Lisa is an hour, these two wanted to make the most of the little time they had by taking a selfie with the famous painting before getting pushed aside.

?url=https%3A%2F%2Fd2dfm87p04h1zk.cloudfront.net%2Fwp content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F11%2F21202211%2F2 guy italics
Italicized Twins

Not even taking notice of the painting, they were hit with a comment that said their stance resembled italic letters. Despite the poor angle, we’re happy these two got the opportunity to see one of Da Vinci’s most valuable works of art.

2008 Throwback

With the current trending hairstyles of perfect fades, undercuts, and slicked-back dos, it’s safe to say that this guy’s hairdo doesn’t quite fit today’s style. However, it reminded this commenter about the look almost everybody had in 2008.

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2008 Throwback

With the shaggy mullet-like hairstyle, it takes one back in time to the innocent boy band phase. Not too sure if this one comes as an insult or compliment but let’s hope it doesn’t bruise his confidence.

14/14 Basic Babe

Truthfully, it looks as if the blonde girl would fit the definition of a basic girl aka someone who follows mainstream trends. However, this viewer took it to the next level. This girl would be rated 14/14.

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14/14 Basic Babe

For those who are confused, 14 is the most extreme basic end of the pH scale. Don’t worry, she probably didn’t catch on to that either. What’s worse than being insulted is not understanding your insult in the first place.

Missing Goatee

It’s pretty common to leave the hairdresser or barber unhappy, even though you acted as if you weren’t unhappy while in the chair. However, this guy was definitely happy and took to social media to share his fresh haircut.

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Missing Goatee

Although his viewers didn’t quite like his beard trim, one user went so far as to tell him to pull up his beard to cover his chin. Regardless of that overly critical comment, we think he looks pretty good.

Biggie Eilish

It’s one thing to be hit with insults in the comments from strangers online, but it definitely doesn’t hurt when you’re the one making the joke! This girl took to social media to compare herself to Billie Eilish but with a twist.

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Biggie Eilish

Although she ditched the iconic green hair dye, she made up for it by wearing a neon green shirt and she totally embodies the grunge aesthetic. Even though she refers to herself as the Biggie version, she totally nailed the look.

Double Standards

User @Brendaaa took to Twitter to share how disappointed she was when she saw an attractive man using an outdated iPhone model. However, she said she saw this fine mine while riding on the bus…

?url=https%3A%2F%2Fd2dfm87p04h1zk.cloudfront.net%2Fwp content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F11%2F21203421%2Fbus iphone
Double Standards

This commenter pulled a reverse Uno card on this insult — how can @Brendaaa judge this man for having an older phone when she’s using a cheap form of public transport? After all, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, right?

Cheaters Exposed

The user Starz was quick to disagree with the original tweet having the opinion that women cheat more often than men. While trying to support women he not only insulted himself but all men, so you’d think his response would be praised by Lindiwe.

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Cheaters Exposed

Starz was not… he was left even more insulted when Lindiwe exposed his girlfriend as a cheater. That may have left him with some public embarrassment but, hopefully, he’s out of that toxic relationship!

Rule Breaker

Each parent has their own take on household rules and discipline. This mother seems to have taken a more strict and supervised route. She went on to list the rules her son has to follow, specifically around screen time.

?url=https%3A%2F%2Fd2dfm87p04h1zk.cloudfront.net%2Fwp content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F11%2F21203651%2Fchildren rules
Rule Breaker

She probably expected fellow mothers to compliment her and ask for advice. This user thought her rules seemed very similar to those of an old-age home and gave her a quick reminder to have a little fun while young.

Rule Breaker

Each parent has their own take on household rules and discipline. This mother seems to have taken a more strict and supervised route. She went on to list the rules her son has to follow, specifically around screen time.

?url=https%3A%2F%2Fd2dfm87p04h1zk.cloudfront.net%2Fwp content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F11%2F21203651%2Fchildren rules
Rule Breaker

She probably expected fellow mothers to compliment her and ask for advice. This user thought her rules seemed very similar to those of an old-age home and gave her a quick reminder to have a little fun while young.

Chum Bucket Hamdogs

Sometimes, things don’t go according to plan. This was the case when this user had to do some reshaping to his burger patties after buying hotdog buns by mistake. After seeming fairly proud of his quick thinking, he went to share the funny situation online.

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Chum Bucket Hamdogs

While others found it funny, it wasn’t for the obvious reason. The Chum Bucket is the restaurant in SpongeBob known for its unappealing and foul-tasting food, most of which is made from literal chum. This commenter thought these ‘hamdogs’ would be a perfect addition to the menu.

Hog Rider

The prisoner was trying to intimidate the man by asking if he knew where he was from, and this user took it upon himself to say Clash of Clans. The prisoners’ attempt to scare the man would be an absolute failure if the scenario were true.

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Hog Rider 

For those of you who are unsure of what Clash of Clans is, it’s an online animated game where users build a village and need to defend their land. This prisoner looks exactly like the character Hog Rider. The buff build, beard, and mohawk make him the perfect real-life doppelgänger.

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