This article appeared in and has been published here with permission.
The internet can sometimes seem like a gloomy place – where we usually check the latest sad or negative news. But if you know how and where to explore, it’s also a treasure trove of wonderful entertainment.

From amusing personal tales and laugh-out-loud funny moments to sharp views of our surroundings, these are some of the top-notch online posts of all time. So, put a stop to your constant internet browsing and dive into these delightfully comical entries. We assure you that it’ll be an experience you won’t forget.
Reach for the Cars
Given that the U.S. spans such a large area, it’s no surprise that folks living there might prefer to take a flight rather than spending numerous hours driving a car. Of course, there could be some people who criticize them for racking up so many air miles. Still, this Twitter user raises a compelling point that is really worth considering.

People from the Midwest are famous for their impressive ability to drive long distances, like the journey from Kansas City to Denver, without batting an eye. For them, it’s like a walk in the park but for us, it might seem quite challenging. We genuinely admire their hearty road warrior spirit.
Ho Ho No
Christmas films have their own special type of reasoning, a logic that asks us to put aside our doubts and simply embark on the journey, embracing the charm and enchantment of the Christmas season.

It’s rather funny when we stop and ponder that the grown-ups in festive films never appear to actually do any Christmas shopping. Still, their Christmas trees never fail to boast an array of impeccably wrapped presents. But here’s a tip, it’s probably better not to overthink it.
Geek Gaffe
In our world after the pandemic, we still frequently use Zoom for meetings. This is super handy, but it also means we need to be extra careful when walking into a room where someone is working from home.

The female in our story made quite a faux pas when she accidentally interrupted her father’s conference call with a somewhat geeky investor. Let’s cross our fingers and hope that he took it on a lighter note. If not, their family business could have possibly missed a significantly large opportunity.
Sand Witch
Imagine taking a walk hand-in-hand on the beach with the love of your life during a special, romantic getaway—it would be the perfect moment to get engaged. Suddenly, you discover something in the sand that makes your heart pound, and you’re overcome with emotion. It seems like the moment you’ve been waiting for. But then, your beloved has to uncomfortably explain that they didn’t plan this surprise. The dream holiday takes a disappointing turn.

The grin on this lady’s face is genuinely devilish, and now the reason behind it is clear. We can only hope she stuck around to witness the outcome of her mischievous joke.
You know the feeling when you eagerly rip open a bag of chips, only to find it’s barely a third full? Well, this person had the opposite experience: they couldn’t believe their luck when they opened a bag of Lay’s that was packed to the top. Overjoyed, they quickly took to Twitter to share a picture of their rare find and express their heartfelt thanks.

Interestingly, it’s not completely assured that the company would appreciate such a bag, heavily stuffed as it is. One can only wish they don’t track down the employee who did it via the serial number, otherwise, that individual might find themselves in a dicey situation.
One Fell Scoop
Typically, parents want their children to follow their advice, rather than imitate their actions, but truth be told, this can be challenging to enforce in reality. There are times when it could be crucial for parents to conceal their own behaviors if they don’t desire their children to mimic them.

Bob is seriously good at this whole dad thing. He understands that if his children see him enjoying an ice cream sandwich, they’ll all suddenly want one too. So he does what any practical parent would do. You can bet that was one gigantic brain freeze he experienced.
Right as Rain
Indeed, most of us enjoy a lively dance and heartily singing in the shower, often using a shampoo bottle as our make-believe microphone. But when mother nature starts her shower, and rain begins to fall when we’re outdoors, we usually dash for shelter.

Indeed, the reaction to this tweet hits the nail on the head. When we’re in the shower, we’ve consciously decided to become wet. On the other hand, when we’re outside, we haven’t given our consent to be wet, and that’s the primary distinction.
Girl Boss
To be completely honest, we were under the impression that the tradition of lemonade stands had faded. It’s truly heartwarming to know that this quaint, old-school, and non-electronic activity is still blossoming among our youngsters. It’s indeed delightful to see that there are still a few kids out there who enjoy the simple pleasure of running a lemonade stand.

It’s evident that this young girl has quite the knack for business, more so than we had at her age. She’s determined and doesn’t hesitate to go after what she wants. If she continues with this kind of entrepreneurial spirit, there’s no doubt in our minds that she’ll clock a million by 25 with her savvy side hustle.
Career Goals
It’s wonderful to have high goals and chase the job you’ve always wanted. However, a lot of us are simply working to cover our daily living expenses.

Our dreams don’t include being famous or reaching the highest peak. We’re merely looking for a method to meet our needs like paying our bills and buying our groceries, we don’t want to lose our values or feel the need to work every precious minute given by God. It feels like we’re asking for a lot, but is it really too much?
Berry Disappointing
When this individual presented his neighbor with an open invitation to the berry bushes in his yard, he was guided by a sneaky plan. He made a safe guess that a kind old woman would enjoy baking, and soon, he would be enjoying a delicious, homemade pie.

In a funny twist of fate, his so-called act of kindness had the opposite effect, and the neighboring lady made herself at home. It’s decided, when we’re in our golden years, we absolutely aspire to possess a spirit akin to a “tiny, wrinkled, berry-snatching bear.” #Goals
Across the Pond
America is truly vast and expansive. A Twitter user made an astute observation, noting how you can journey for many hours yet remain amidst a similar landscape and culture.

Given the UK’s extensive history, it’s filled to the brim with unique regional customs which might be a bit tricky to keep track of. It’s advisable to have your bread roll lingo ready while on a journey across the UK. If not, you might find it awkward when it comes to ordering a simple sandwich.
Gourd Vibes Only
Every time Halloween rolls around, online platforms are filled with photos of incredibly detailed and imaginative carved pumpkins. Folks love to take advantage of this chance to demonstrate their crafty talents by creating a chilling showcase that’s bound to catch the eyes of neighbors as they pass by.

Even pro animators agree, simplicity can be the key to success. This little pumpkin is undoubtedly the most adorable thing we’ve ever laid eyes on. Without a shadow of a doubt, we’re all for it clinching 1st place. It absolutely deserves that top prize.
Flight Behavior
Whenever we’re getting ready for a long flight, we set aside at least a full week to make sure we’re well-prepared. We need to have everything to make the hours of sitting in close quarters bearable and keep ourselves amused. This is especially important since airplane food isn’t exactly the tastiest.

This snippet suggests that some individuals have incredibly basic necessities. It makes one ponder about the state this gentleman was in when he landed in Europe because overlook everything else, the thought of flying while wearing jeans sounds like a true torment.
Meet the Makers
Getting to meet your girlfriend’s parents is a significant event. You’d really want them to see that you’re a suitable match for their daughter, to show a good image of yourself, and to express just how much you care and value their daughter.

This person has really nailed the expression of his feelings in just a single line. His fantastic girlfriend has been brought to life by two artists, and he simply wants to let them know that he’s their greatest admirer.
Reddit Hack
The world wide web teems with computer programming wizards ready to showcase their tech knowledge, but only under very specific circumstances. One Twitter user has cleverly figured out a strategy to get the necessary assistance on Reddit every time she is in need.

It’s a canny plan, playing on people’s compulsion to correct mistakes. We’d be really eager to check out some of her outrageously wrong conclusions.
Test the Water
Like us, you probably have several half-filled glasses of water scattered around your house. The importance of hydration is not lost on us, but we also believe there are more productive things to indulge in instead of continually refilling the same glass time and time again.

An interesting question has been posed by this Twitter user. There seems to be a peculiar unappealing nature to water that’s been left out for a while. We’d argue that it’s okay to drink the water you left on your nightstand the previous evening when you get up. But allowing it to sit for more than that just seems downright unpleasant.
Heart of Gold
Dogs are often called a man’s best friend, and it’s easy to see why. Not only are these furry pals cute and fun to be around, but they also showcase some amazing abilities, particularly in the medical field. These pets have skills that are truly impressive and beneficial for health-related situations.

For sure, this lady never thought that her heart issue would be caught by a dog, but you can bet she’s thankful she ended up in that specific spot on the flight. So, let’s give a round of applause for dachshunds – the shortest, most skilled, and kindest health experts on the planet!
No Diggity
It’s unfortunate, but there are still individuals out there who are under the mistaken belief that women are not capable of performing the same jobs as men. Thankfully, there are fearless women ready and willing to correct these misconceptions.

A young lady went for a job in the field of landscape gardening but was told she lacked the needed muscle strength. However, she surprised them all by having a fantastic reply ready. Muscle Mark, who had doubted her abilities, probably wishes he had never underestimated this skillful landscaper who wields a fast shovel and an even faster wit.
Trash Bandits
Raccoons are one of those animals that always tickle your funny bone, no matter what antics they’re up to. With their little masks, it always seems like they’re planning some mischief. They’ve become quite at home in our city environments, always seeming like they’re scheming their next cheeky adventure.

One individual on Twitter has humorously suggested that perhaps we’re seeing characters from the game, Animal Crossing, popping by to lend a hand with some DIY work. Though, the state of our garbage cans each morning tells a different story.
Mattress Magic
Visiting friends always brings joy until it’s time to consider where you’re going to sleep. If fortune is on your side, your friend will have an extra room featuring a comfortable, real bed for your overnight stay. But if luck isn’t on your side, you’ll find yourself facing a night’s sleep on the much-loathed air mattress.

This person has done their best to make the situation look good, but we doubt anyone actually enjoys finding themselves flat on the ground nursing a sore back. The next opportunity we get, we’re making a beeline for a Holiday Inn.
Alarming Behavior
It’s a familiar feeling – waking up in the pitch dark of night, and being simply thrilled when you realize there’s plenty of time left for you to snooze. But, to go as far as setting an alarm on purpose to jolt you awake in the midst of your sleep? That’s an idea that seems quite wild and unusual.

We’re left scratching our heads over this one, unsure if he’s a mastermind or just mad. Regardless, it’s clear to us that being his roommate isn’t a situation we’d eagerly jump into.
Washed Up
Sure, we’ve all been there- thinking that something we do is totally normal, only to find out it’s not when we ask others. This poor girl, seemingly unknowingly, revealed a really crazy personal behavior and unfortunately had to face the consequences.

KitKat was simply horrified at the thought of her cleaning their delightfully crispy chocolate wafer treats, so they decided to block her. It’s understandable why they would do that.
Winning Formula
From detective stories about cops to funny shows about living with friends, there are certain plot formulas that are repeatedly used and they always result in a fantastic television show.

In all honesty, it took us a while to notice this interesting pattern. From pop culture favorites like Seinfeld, Community, and The Fresh Prince, down to the classic Sesame Street, there’s one thing common – a pair that always comprises of one slim, tall guy and his shorter, rounder companion. The interesting part is, this formula seems to work like a charm every time!
Netflix, Not Chill
You know, it happens all the time. You have the perfect movie in mind, your comfiest blanket, and a pile of your favorite snacks. You switch on Netflix already picturing the opening scenes. But then, just like a bucket of cold water…the movie’s not there.

Netflix is amongst the best at knowing your preferences—it autocompletes your half-typed titles, puts forth options with your favorite actors, or suggests films similar to your taste, however, the exact movie you want seems to always elude its vast collection. It’s as though it’s doing this intentionally.
Recognized…Kind of
For some celebrities who aren’t quite as famous, they have a constant struggle. People recognize them, but only as someone who looks like them. Take Tom Morello for example. When he was getting a cup of coffee, the barista sort of recognized him. But the barista just thought he was someone who looked a lot like the well-known guitarist and activist, not the real Tom Morello himself.

Even when Morello unmasked himself by saying out his name, it just didn’t click. One can only guess if that guy ever realized he missed an opportunity to meet the one and only Tom Morello.
Sweet Validation
We’re all familiar with those folks that cause us anxiety by just glancing at their Google Chrome. Having literally hundreds of tabs open for multiple years is not a good system, to state the obvious. However, this man eventually received the vindication he had been anticipating.

We’re really glad he figured out his research issue, but there’s no way we’d ever want to use his laptop.
No Excuse
It’s well-known that moms enjoy reminding us about the fact that they bore us for nine long months and endured hours of labor pain to bring us into this world. Yet, a clever response has been thusly formulated by none other than this particular mom’s daughter.

Yes, it’s true our mothers gave birth to us, but they only had to do it a single time. Plus, in many cases, they made the conscious decision to have children, so it’s not really fair for them to remind us of it constantly.
Slam Dunk
At times, our loved ones need to take certain steps to secure a slice of peacefulness. Truly, that might mean handling them similarly to how you would a small child, by letting them believe they’ve made their own decisions regarding their chores.

In the sweet world of relationships, Brittani Nichols’ girlfriend really gets her. She’s found the perfect way to keep Brittani busy for a couple of hours, giving herself some much-needed nap time. We think she’s hit the nail on the head for keys to a successful relationship, wouldn’t you agree?
Solid Plan
Navigating the single life when you’re in your thirties can be pretty challenging. It often seems like everyone else has already settled down, and that there’s hardly anyone left who’s still searching for a partner to share their life with.

Despite the high divorce rate, this Twitter user remains hopeful. The idea is that all the single people need to do is bide their time. Once those marriages inevitably hit the rocks, there will be an influx of available partners back in the dating pool.
Building Bridges
It’s not always easy for guys to express their feelings. Sometimes, to understand and sort out their emotions, they need to take a brief walk and gaze at the surroundings.

This fellow took a leisurely stroll to his much-loved place of contemplation, only to figure out that two other men had the exact thought as well. I guess they struck up a conversation and hopefully, they put together a thoughtful pondering group.
Lost Cause
Going on blind dates can often feel like rolling the dice, and it’s totally understandable if you feel the need to do a little probing to figure out if they’re a suitable match for you.

This lady really went overboard when she left her date wandering about a crossroads for close to 10 minutes. It’s pretty unlikely there was another outing following such an introduction.
Date Night
In the early stages of dating someone, you want to give off an impression of being youthful, fun-loving, and open to all sorts of adventures. You might find yourself doing things you wouldn’t usually do, bending your character a bit, all in an attempt to appeal to your new significant other. It’s all part of crafting an exciting and appealing image to entice your partner.

While this fella managed to only reach the conclusion of the second outing before showing his authentic nature. Desiring to hit the hay by 9.00 p.m.? He sure comes off as a real catch, doesn’t he?
Trying to figure out if someone is the right age in the dating scene can be tough. One man learned this the hard way, but managed to recover skillfully when he discovered the woman he was interested in was actually 30. His quick response turned out to be the highlight, showing that even if you strike out, with the right attitude, you can still salvage the situation.

Surely, it’s hard to believe a 30-year-old would use social media, right? So the only other way to reach out to her would be through her email. We can’t help but ponder if he was lucky enough to get it from her.
Age Is but a Number
Neither the ages in these relationships are extremely different, but it’s a slight challenge to wrap your mind around the scenario that two sisters are in a romantic relationship with a father and son. It’s not the most common situation, and really makes you think twice.

It’s not shocking that their father was somewhat peculiar, but it’s reassuring to know he had a foolproof plan to keep his cool. This way, he manages to relax, the meal proceeds without a hitch, and, in a twist, one sister gets a lawn that’s just been cut. Basically, all parties involved are in a win-win situation.
Running on Fumes
Most of us have, at some point, been cruising down a rural road when we are unexpectedly met by the sight of that awful warning light illuminating our dash, indicating we’re out of gas with not a single gas station in sight for countless miles. Yet, we’ve hardly spent time to really scrutinize the icon, although it’s something we don’t want to see.

This comical, dark take is spot on and exceptionally funny. Somehow, it completely changes the way we perceive the warning light for low fuel. We have to say, it’s rather amusing and strikingly accurate. The way we view that empty gas sign will never be the same again.
Watercooler Gossip
Every workplace is bound to have its own share of drama, and invariably, there’s always one coworker who seems to enjoy adding fuel to the fire. This character has seemingly devised a crafty- though somewhat questionable method to keep his finger on the pulse of all the office gossip.

Forget it, we’re not ever going to put anything in a complaint box again. Can you imagine the scene when HR gets wind of this?
It’s Not Him, It’s You
Some individuals have a propensity to grumble about their inability to find a significant other. There are times when they’ve faced unfortunate encounters, but on occasion, the reason they haven’t found a person to commit to a lifelong journey with them is plainly evident.

Evidently, this girl needs to boost her listening skills. Maybe if she allowed her admirers to participate more in the conversation during a date, they’d be more enthusiastic about the idea of a next time.
Uber Mad
Sure thing—we understand that wedding costs today can touch the sky, and it’s not surprising that bride and groom want to find ways to cut corners a bit.

Choosing an Uber pool as your transportation to your own wedding screams of penny-pinching, and it’s totally out of line to vent your anger at the other passengers. Come on folks, no one is asking you to rent a limo, but at the very least, go for an Uber Comfort ride.
Pocket Science
While it’s undeniable that infant apparel often wins on cuteness, the practicality of certain design elements leaves one wondering. For instance, a notable observance by a Twitter enthusiast underlines the point that utility is not always accounted for in these designs. Pockets on baby clothes seem superfluous as little ones have no reason to carry items associated with adults such as cell phones, keys, or any other things typically kept in pockets.

Though pockets on outfits are always incredibly adorable, we aren’t finding fault and we don’t believe the little ones are either.
O-Live a Little
Choosing what to put on a pizza can lead to some serious debates. Because of the wide variety of diet plans people follow, like crusts free of gluten or using dairy-free cheese, everyone has their own specific likes and needs. It’s all about finding what matches each individual’s unique dietary needs and taste preferences.

There are some folks who really love their preferred pizza toppings and they even ask others to take off what they don’t like. We enjoy black olives a lot, but we admit that they give off quite a robust taste. The next time around, those who can’t get enough of olives should probably get a pizza all to themselves and stop making false claims.
Doggone It!
It’s a common event we all have felt; you’re hanging out with your dog, and the moment you rise to go to the restroom, your dog suddenly jumps up to come along, as if you’re taking part in the most fascinating activity on the planet.

This adorable request is the sweetest thing we’ve ever come across. Dogs, please pay attention, we only wish for your happiness, so keep on relaxing and enjoying!
Is This Fur Real?
This guy recently stumbled across a whisper going around that cats have cunningly created the sound of meowing just to toy with humans, and it’s got him all riled up. Honestly, we can’t fault him for his reaction.

Cats are indeed much more clever than we often believe, and their actions don’t always seem to be entirely in our favor. We’re left pondering over what other crafty strategies this person’s cat might be pulling off to ensure its own desires are fulfilled.
Sadly, we live in a world where every woman needs to be on guard when a man approaches her on the street. It’s impossible for her to know for sure if his intentions are decent or if they have a darker purpose.

Well, things happened differently than we thought they would. The boys just had a friendly debate about the best place to buy boba tea, before they set off to enjoy some delicious treats filled with sweet tapioca balls. It’s a really simple and satisfying conclusion.
Pajama Day
When the pandemic hit, schools had to shift to the internet, with kids attending classes through Zoom. The challenge for teachers was ensuring that their online classes retained the feel of an actual classroom learning environment.

This school district made an attempt to forbid students from joining Zoom classes while dressed in their pajamas. However, they soon found they were powerless to enforce this rule. One Twitter user amusingly highlighted that there wasn’t an effective way to sanction the students who broke the rules, because sending them home wasn’t really a viable solution.
Purse Strings
Because ladies often need to ready for many different situations, it’s totally understandable that their handbags are packed with necessary things.

Sure, you may need a map to get your bearings in an uncertain situation, but think about it, who would you prefer to have by your side in a crisis? A man armed only with his keys, or a woman prepared with three Nutrigrain bars in her bag? We believe the choice is pretty clear. After all, who could say no to a little sustenance in a pinch?
We Feel Attacked
If you’re someone who can’t help but hold onto things, there are certain items that become tough to part ways with. Take-out containers, used jars, ribbons, plastic bags, and old school assignments all tend to find a special place in storage, saved for the ‘just in case’ moments. These odds and ends accrue, kept around based on the possibility they might be needed again someday.

A certain Twitter user has pointed out a peculiar object that most people, no doubt, would dread discarding, despite the fact that it is highly unlikely they will put it to use ever again. Pardon us momentarily as we glance into our very own drawer that houses the boxes of our previous three telephones. No, we definitely have no plans of getting rid of them anytime soon.
Market Day
TikTok is nudging us to see our lives through rose-colored glasses, transforming even the most trivial chores into scenes of a main character. It might be a bit challenging given our hectic world, but we’re certainly giving it a go.

We can’t help but admire how this woman has turned living next to a supermarket into an almost fairytale-like existence of a French lady selecting the perfect artichoke for her evening meal. It’s safe to say, she’s on to a winning strategy.
A Matter of Principle
Certain fellas are extremely stubborn when it comes to their beliefs and just love giving long speeches about their staunch principles. On the flip side, some can be swayed quite easily. This one specific guy didn’t shy away from tweeting that he could alter his viewpoints if a beautiful woman were to persuade him.

When a stunning lady points out his lack of courage, he’s all too ready to accept her words, thereby confirming his initial stance. At least, he’s reliably unreliable in his own peculiar way.
With a Pinch of Salt
Some folks are quite particular when it comes to expiration dates. Even though the product seems to be in good condition, they wouldn’t dare to take a chance. But the idea of an expiry date on this salt, now that does seem a bit ridiculous, doesn’t it?

It’s been around for over 250 million years, so we’re pretty confident that a few extra years won’t alter much. You can probably ignore that expiration date—it’s quite unlikely that it has spoiled.
Slang Queen
One of the great things about having teens around is they always keep you updated with all the new slang words that are currently popular among the young ones.

It’s clear that trends are moving at a rapid pace these days, and this fun-loving mom seems to be having a tough time keeping up with the newest phrases, despite her best and lively efforts to stay in the loop. On the brighter side, her patient daughter is just a shout away, always ready to give her the latest low down. They are just slaying it together! So much for trendsetting!
Over the Moon
It’s widely understood that the web teems with conspiracy theories, and there’s an abundance of folks who remain skeptical about the version of history most of us are persuaded to believe.

This writing means to persuade that the method we build our spacecrafts doesn’t allow them to pick up the speed necessary to make it all the way to the moon. While it’s true that our knowledge on aerospace engineering isn’t vast, we would approach this statement with a hint of skepticism.
Couldn’t Chair Less
Cats are often seen as more independent than dogs. This means that those who own cats need to be extra thankful for every bit of love they get from their kitty companions. The details remain the same because a cat’s show of love is special and worth treasuring.

The couple initially assumed their felines were showing them affection by spending their evenings with them. However, they soon discovered that it wasn’t about loyalty to their human friends but about their attachment to their favorite chairs. Ouch, that realization must sting a bit—it’s all about the meow.