Human Ken to Human Barbie, Here Is the Remarkable Story of Jessica Alves

This article appeared in and has been published here with permission.

Back in 1983 in São Paulo, Brazil, a child was born who would go on to become human Ken and then human Barbie. Jessica Alves spent upwards of a million dollars on her transformation. Let’s talk about her incredible story, from humble beginnings in South America to a completely transformed life. Jessica’s story is certainly anything but boring. Let’s take a look at the journey that brought her to the point where she is today.

The Beginning

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The Irish Sun

Prior to her transition, Jessica Alves was born as a male in São Paulo, Brazil, in the early 1980s. Her childhood was completely dominated by severe insecurities and body dysmorphia, with her peers constantly bullying her and making her life hell.

As a male, Jessica wasn’t going through puberty at the same rate as her male peers were. This became something that people would bully her for, relentlessly teasing Jessica for how her body looked. That’s enough to traumatize any child.

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