A bride had a horrifying response to seeing her husband for the very first time at the altar after he pulled one hell of a prank on her.
If you didn’t know what your future husband or wife looked like and they didn’t know what you looked like either, you’d want to make a good first impression… wouldn’t you?
Well, Married at First Sight UK (MAFS) contestant Kieran clearly didn’t get that message as he decided to pull a prank on his future sweetheart.
For those not in the know, MAFS sees a bunch of couples ‘marry’ on the day they meet each other after being coupled by a group of experts. They will then spend weeks living together and seeing if they can make their relationships work, before making the ultimate decision at the end of the social experiment whether or not they want to stay together.
Anyway, Kieran thought it’d be a hoot to purchase a set of fake teeth and don them at the altar to truly test his new wife – dog walker Kristina.
Kieran, at least get to know the woman first before you start doing stuff like this!
Well, the 28-year-old mechanic knew better as he explained the reasoning behind the prank to the Channel 4 film crew.
“This could really end up bad, but I just want to know if this girl is funny,” he said.
For those not in the know, MAFS sees a bunch of couples ‘marry’ on the day they meet each other after being coupled by a group of experts. They will then spend weeks living together and seeing if they can make their relationships work, before making the ultimate decision at the end of the social experiment whether or not they want to stay together.
Anyway, Kieran thought it’d be a hoot to purchase a set of fake teeth and don them at the altar to truly test his new wife – dog walker Kristina.
Kieran, at least get to know the woman first before you start doing stuff like this!
Well, the 28-year-old mechanic knew better as he explained the reasoning behind the prank to the Channel 4 film crew.
“This could really end up bad, but I just want to know if this girl is funny,” he said.

As Kristina walks down the aisle, he slowly turned around with a grin on his face revealing two prominent yellow, dirty, goofy teeth with several others around them.
Would Kristina approve of such a prank at her wedding? Well, almost bursting into tears, the 30-year-old says: “Oh my god!”