30 Pet Haircuts That, for Better or Worse, Completely Transformed Their Look

We’ve all had bad haircuts. However, did you realize that pets can even have bad hair days? So, for your entertainment we’ve gathered our favorite pet haircuts. Pet owners who thought they’d picked up the wrong species, from dogs with mullets, mohawks and emo bangs, to pet salon trips that went so badly. So here goes! The best and worst pet haircuts ever…

A Modern-Day Furry Tail

Once upon a time, this little Yorkshire Terrier wanted a haircut. So, in a modern-day fairy tale — or should we say a modern-day furry tail — she shut her eyes and wished upon a star for a trip to the groomers. But no one could have guessed that when the hairdresser cut off Rapunzel’s matted curls, this ugly ducking would become a beautiful swan! The haircut only cost the owner three magic beans. And now, little Yorkie, you shall go to the ball! Is that enough mixed metaphors for you?

A Modern-Day Furry Tail

A Modern-Day Furry Tail

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