40 Cheaters Who Got Caught Via Text Message

We all know that if we aren’t paying attention, we can send a text to the wrong person. If this message proves that you are cheating on your significant other, what are you doing? It’s very unpleasant to be cheated on, but we’ll tell you some funny ways people have disclosed that they’re not as loyal as they claim.

Pay Attention To The Test!

So, what do you do when you’re being tested but you don’t know it? That’s the way that boy in the situation turned out. She said that if he cheated he should not hide and she doesn’t care.

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Pay Attention To The Test!

The boy falls for the trap and tells her he cheated on her but all she meant was did he cheat on the test; not her! That’s the way to be single, Oh Danny Boy!

”It Was an Accident”

What? Can someone please explain to us how someone can manage to cheat accidentally? This person’s excuse for having an affair might be the worst one yet. They make it sound as if they slipped on a banana peel that was carefully placed on the floor and flew across the room only to fall on someone that wasn’t their significant other.

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”It Was an Accident”

You say “it was an accident” for dropping a glass or spilling water — not for sleeping with someone that’s not your boyfriend or girlfriend.


Do you prefer to break up with someone using a poem? You will have the same bad feelings, should you decide to go through with it.

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This girl sent her boyfriend a poem, which seems pretty sweet at the beginning, but then it turns out that she just wanted to end the relationship with him because he was cheating on her…

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