40 Cheaters Who Got Caught Via Text Message

We all know that if we aren’t paying attention, we can send a text to the wrong person. If this message proves that you are cheating on your significant other, what are you doing? It’s very unpleasant to be cheated on, but we’ll tell you some funny ways people have disclosed that they’re not as loyal as they claim.

Pay Attention To The Test!

So, what do you do when you’re being tested but you don’t know it? That’s the way that boy in the situation turned out. She said that if he cheated he should not hide and she doesn’t care.

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Pay Attention To The Test!

The boy falls for the trap and tells her he cheated on her but all she meant was did he cheat on the test; not her! That’s the way to be single, Oh Danny Boy!

”It Was an Accident”

What? Can someone please explain to us how someone can manage to cheat accidentally? This person’s excuse for having an affair might be the worst one yet. They make it sound as if they slipped on a banana peel that was carefully placed on the floor and flew across the room only to fall on someone that wasn’t their significant other.

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”It Was an Accident”

You say “it was an accident” for dropping a glass or spilling water — not for sleeping with someone that’s not your boyfriend or girlfriend.


Do you prefer to break up with someone using a poem? You will have the same bad feelings, should you decide to go through with it.

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This girl sent her boyfriend a poem, which seems pretty sweet at the beginning, but then it turns out that she just wanted to end the relationship with him because he was cheating on her…


A photo can cause a lot of problems, especially when you find it on your boyfriend’s phone. A guy’s girlfriend has his phone and receives a picture from his other girlfriend, from whom she learns that she knew she was no longer his only beau.

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This is surely not the way to go, Todd! We’re sure he ended up single in the end. Or at least, he should have!

Do Not Touch My Xbox

Sometimes material things are more important than relationships. A boy finds out from his girlfriend that she broke his Xbox. He gets angry, but she makes it clear that she cheated on him and that the device is still okay.

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Do Not Touch My Xbox

Quietly relieved that his Xbox is fine, he doesn’t even react to his girlfriend’s remark. Well, we’re sure this is just a joke and did not happen, but it is still worth a place on this list. Many guys might find themselves in a similar place!

It Sounds Like A Divorce

Well, here we are again. This husband sent a text to his wife saying that he wants to break up – until he realized he sent it to the wrong person! Wait, what?

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It Sounds Like A Divorce

The idea of her husband’s text was very good, but he made a mistake and sent the message to his wife. After that, he apologized and told her that the text wasn’t for her. Now, he understands how a divorce looks like.

Mixing Up The Numbers

She thought she was doing a good thing if she asked permission from her father. At first, she didn’t realize that she was talking with her boyfriend and was surprised when she found out that he might be upset if she hangs out with John.

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Mixing Up The Numbers

After her boyfriend insisted that he can’t agree, she understands her mistake and tries to apologize, but, unfortunately, it is too late now.

Family Issues

The football match may be over, but so is the relationship between this girl and her boyfriend. He announces that it’s over, but did not mention that he was talking about the football game.

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Family Issues

And before he can clarify this issue, his girlfriend announces to him that she cheated on him with his brother. These misunderstandings seem to expose a lot of lies and cheaters, but that’s good, isn’t it?

B Is From Bryan

It would be easier if we were being announced to whom we are sending a message. But this does not happen, so we have to face the consequences. The father wants to tell his lover Brenda that he took a small holiday and comes to see her.

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B Is From Bryan

He receives an answer from his son, Bryan, who asks for money. Well, at least this kid’s attitude is the coolest we’ve seen so far: he’ll let his mom know that all she is worth to dad is $450!

A Family Baby

The news that should have been very good turned out to be a disaster. The wife sent her husband a text in which she gave him the great news: she is pregnant. His reaction is so sweet! He is thrilled because he was waiting for some time. His wife is scared, and, without paying attention at all to the receiver of the texts, she says that she doesn’t know how to announce it to her husband.

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A Family Baby

Her mistake was even bigger than that because she mentioned the name of her husband’s brother in the text. In the end, the good news: her husband and the child are still relatives, even if his brother is the baby’s father.

A Very Expensive Night Out

Mother was very happy that she could go out but did not know that this night would cost her a fortune. She sent to her child a message in which she asks him something inadequate. The child wants to find out more from his mom and says that he doesn’t want what his mother has proposed.

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A Very Expensive Night Out

The woman is shocked; she does not understand why she is being refused until his child tells her to check the number. He has a lot of requirements in order to keep silent about his mom’s affair.

A Strange Cold

We all have nights in which we are not feeling good, and we think we have the flu or just a simple cold. That was not the case of the next girl. Her boyfriend asked her if she was okay, but her answer did not make him feel better. She was pretending that she was sick, but her boyfriend discovered the cure that she was trying in order not to feel bad anymore.

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A Strange Cold

Apparently, the hot guys from the night clubs were very good for her cold. She was so surprised when he told her this that she started to blame him and said he was drunk. But, surprise! He was not drunk; he was standing just behind her in the night club!

The Party Was Good

Sometimes it’s better not to know everything. Some answers hurt us. So did this guy, who asked his girlfriend what it was like at the party, and had an unexpected response. He found out from someone else, who answered the message that his girlfriend was in another room with her boyfriend.

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The Party Was Good

The news surprised him because he was actually her boyfriend, and when he told that to the person he was talking to, he suddenly found out that his girlfriend was asleep. But, sadly, it was too late for her to have a good sleep.

Jenny, He Is Not Available Today

We all know what it’s like when family issues take up our free time, and we can’t carry out our plans. But, there’s nothing to change, because we have some obligations to the family after all. Our lovers will understand that. Unfortunately, it looks like this guy’s family was called Jenny because when his girlfriend asked him what he was doing, he said he had something to do with his family.

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Jenny, He Is Not Available Today

After a few moments, the girl receives the wrong message from her boyfriend in which she is told that he will arrive at seven o’clock. The message would have been nice, but unfortunately, her name isn’t Jenny.

You Should Not Call Your Kids “Annoying”

Even though some children can be annoying at times, they show us that they are in control and that we have to take care of their feelings. The father notified his mistress that his wife and children had left home and that he could come whenever she wanted.

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You Should Not Call Your Kids “Annoying”

But the father did not send the text to his lover, but one of his “annoying” children. Now he has to offer the child $2,500, a car, and a puppy. Good luck with that!

Who Is The Owner of the Pants?

When things get crazy, be careful who you talk to about this topic. This girl tells her boyfriend Jeffrey that he left his pants at her house because things got out of hand the night before.

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Who Is The Owner Of The Pants?

Jeffrey didn’t miss a beat and tells her he doesn’t remember, but she can surely take care of it and remind him what happened. Then he revealed that he was still out of town. All we can suspect is that there was a breakup on his return.

Is There Something Stronger Than A Friendship Between Girls?

Never underestimate the friendship between two girls. If you’re a boy and you plan to go out with your girlfriend’s best friend, you need to know it’s not safe territory. The boy sends a message to his girlfriend’s best friend telling him he loves her.

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Is There Something Stronger Than A Friendship Between Girls?

Surprised, she tells him that he’s with her friend, but he says she shouldn’t find out. But it’s too late because his girlfriend had already read the messages because she was next to his girlfriend.

Silence Is Expensive

A mistake can cost you a lot, sometimes, if you don’t pay enough attention to the people on your agenda. What was supposed to be a marriage leave for Uncle Joe turned out to be a significant expense.

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Silence Is Expensive

Happy that his wife is away in Utah for three weeks, the uncle gets in touch with his mistress. He is not paying attention and sends the message to his nephew, who asks him for money to keep quiet.

Job Relations

As a parent, you always have to be careful about what and to whom you send messages. This mother announces to her son that she is in a relationship with his boss. The kid tells her he doesn’t even have a job yet.

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Job Relations

Trying to get out of the problem, the mother tells him that she intended to send the message to her father, at which point the child realizes that his mother is cheating on his father.

Studying Is Always A Problem

Studying is not always the solution, especially for this guy who lies to his girlfriend that he has to study. But she is surprised because he left the bookbag in her car.

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Studying Is Always A Problem

This is definitely not the way to study, and we do not encourage it! Maybe, he should also think twice before coming up with such lies; they never get you a long way!

Where Is Kelly?

Here’s another gem! Kellie’s boyfriend sends a message to her best friend to flirt with her. She wants to clarify whether the text was meant for his girlfriend, but he surely meant business.

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Where Is Kelly?

He then tells her things won’t change as long as she doesn’t say anything to Kellie, but his girlfriend was already reading the messages he was sending.

The Girl’s Battle

A message from your boyfriend is always welcome, but what do you do when his other girlfriend sends you a message? Such is the case of this girl who receives a message from her boyfriend’s girlfriend in which she learns that he is cheating on them both.

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The Girl’s Battle

They decide to meet, probably to plan an act of revenge against him. Both their attitudes deserve a prize, while Mark… oh well, he probably got what he deserved!

How Do You Spell Jessica?

Have you ever been content about a beautiful gift that you offered? This joy can be seen here, who tells his girlfriend that he bought a beautiful necklace that contains the name, Jessica. Accidentally, he must have sent the text to his other girlfriend, who realized that he was cheating on her.

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How Do You Spell Jessica?

He was very surprised and did not understand what happened, but she clarified the situation and warned him to look at the name of the contact. So, Jessica will surely be delighted with her gift!

Break My Heart, I’ll Break Your Xbox

He gets a warning that if he breaks her heart, she will break his Xbox. He then sends her a message and asks her why the Xbox. The girl’s answer to the question is very simple, and she offers another option by telling him that she will break his bones.

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Break My Heart, I’ll Break Your Xbox

The boy doesn’t know what’s going on, but his girlfriend informs him that she knows he cheated on her and that she’ll destroy his Xbox right away. Better than broken bones, at least.

The Whole Family Is Followed

Thinking he’s doing his son a good thing, the father gets him in trouble. He tells his son the camera code to delete the videos that incriminate him.

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The Whole Family Is Followed

But he is one step ahead of his father and asks him for money, so he doesn’t tell his mother that the father is cheating on her with the yoga teacher. There is something dodgy going on in this family!

Paying Attention Is Important

Sometimes, dads want to play, but this thing should be kept away from their children if it involves another woman. Dad sent a text in which he announced to his lover that the kids went to school, and his wife was not home.

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Paying Attention Is Important

But he delivers it to his son, who has big expectations from his father when it comes to his silence. So, it turns out that the father’s affair became an investment. You should stop playing like this!

Xbox Revenge

If you want to stick with the Xbox, you should pay attention to what you say. This guy greets his girlfriend and asks her what she’s doing. She replies a bit roughly to him, annoying him.

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Xbox Revenge

This makes him divulge his secret: he’s a cheater! This one cool ex-girlfriend left him and took his Xbox with her. That’s the way to go!

Who Was Joking?

Don’t ever joke about cheating, because you could find out something unbelievable. The girl wanted to make a joke and tells her boyfriend she cheated on him. But she did not receive the expected answer, because she finds out that her boyfriend really cheated on her.

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Who Was Joking?

She clarifies the fact that she was joking, but it is too late for him. Maybe you are more careful next time with these jokes – or simply change the type of humor?

You, Darren!

It’s uncomfortable not to know your relatives well. The father gives Diana a message in which he tells her that his wife is not home and invites the other girl to come over. He gets a message from his son, who is very surprised about his father’s behavior.

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You, Darren!

When he realizes he made a mistake, he starts to beg his son not to tell his mother about his affair. But he already showed mom, who informs the father to take care because Diana was once Darren!

Wrong Number

Jessica wanted to surprise her boyfriend and sent him a text in which she says she misses him. But, she received an unexpected answer: she was talking with Andy’s girlfriend.

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Wrong Number

When she found out he cheated on her, she told the other girl to announce Andy that she is breaking up with him. Do you think that Andy received the message?

Long Time No See

What’s it like to find out after you broke up that he cheated on you? It’s as hard as when you’re still in a relationship. However, this one is a downright player!

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Long Time No See

Wanting to apologize to his girlfriend, this guy texted the wrong ex and ended up apologizing to the wrong one. It must be difficult when you have so many ex-girlfriends, right?

That’s One Way to Find Out

Well, that’s certainly one way to find out that your significant other has been cheating on you. While it may have been a little awkward for Jim’s mother to even text her son’s girlfriend about this in the first place, there’s no doubt she felt worse once she realized her mistake.

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That’s One Way to Find Out

And let’s talk about Jim’s girlfriend for a second — the poor girl found out that her boyfriend was having an affair with some other girl while she was vacationing in Spain.

Your Own Fault

Let’s be real, Zoe — it’s your own fault that you feel so anxious. Perhaps you should stop two-timing your boyfriend and some other poor guy so you don’t get stuck in this kind of situation again.

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Your Own Fault

In all honesty, it sounds like you’re not ready for a relationship yet anyway. In any event, we can only hope that Zoe’s friend called her out when they received a text like this because this is definitely not the way you treat people.

Song From the Heart

Ha! Now, that’s one way to get back at an ex. From this exchange, we can gather that the songwriter here is way too good for their cheating ex. While this isn’t necessarily what we’d call cut-throat revenge, it’s certainly a good option when you want to throw how well you’re doing in your ex’s face.

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Song From the Heart

It’s also amusing to imagine that this person’s ex was waiting for some sort of sentimental tune from the heart. Well, think again, buddy.

Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun

How about…no? Sometimes it’s hard to fathom how people can be so shameless in their actions. When this man hit on this married woman, he thought he could smooth-talk her into going out with him. From the looks of it, though, this lady really wasn’t having it and decided to stop answering after this cheating husband swore to secrecy.

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Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun

Let’s get one thing straight, people — you’re still guilty of doing something awful even if your infidelities stay a secret! Cheating is wrong in every which way!

Stop Texting Me

Yet another married man reaching out to someone that’s not his wife. Luckily, this lady won’t give him the time of day and rightfully so considering that he’s going behind his wife’s back. Whether or not he’s happily married makes no difference — this woman couldn’t care less.

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Stop Texting Me

At the end of the day, he made a vow to his wife, and unless he’s going to file for divorce, there’s no way he’s getting near this person. What ever happened to the sanctity of marriage, people?!

Should Have Thought Twice

Be real, Chelsea — your boyfriend isn’t an idiot. You might have thought that he wouldn’t suspect a thing but with just one small detail, your life changed forever. Perhaps you should have considered this in the first place when you went behind your boyfriend’s back to cheat.

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Should Have Thought Twice

Not only did this girl get caught having an affair but she was also called out for lying about it afterward. At that point, she had no idea how to respond to her boyfriend’s allegations. In any event, there’s no doubt that Chelsea is now single.

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