This article appeared in and has been published here with permission.
Back in 1983 in São Paulo, Brazil, a child was born who would go on to become human Ken and then human Barbie. Jessica Alves spent upwards of a million dollars on her transformation. Let’s talk about her incredible story, from humble beginnings in South America to a completely transformed life. Jessica’s story is certainly anything but boring. Let’s take a look at the journey that brought her to the point where she is today.
The Beginning

Prior to her transition, Jessica Alves was born as a male in São Paulo, Brazil, in the early 1980s. Her childhood was completely dominated by severe insecurities and body dysmorphia, with her peers constantly bullying her and making her life hell.
As a male, Jessica wasn’t going through puberty at the same rate as her male peers were. This became something that people would bully her for, relentlessly teasing Jessica for how her body looked. That’s enough to traumatize any child.
Hormone Troubles
In 1999, Jessica turned 16 years old. Teenage years are hard enough, but for Jessica, those years were even worse. She was diagnosed with a hormonal dysfunction, explaining why puberty was such a struggle for her. As a biological man, she was growing significant breast tissue.

Jessica was mocked for how she looked and always dreaded going to school. With a low male voice and facial hair, her peers would make fun of her ‘boobs.’ They also picked on her for her bigger nose and relentlessly bullied her over her weight.
More and More Bullying
No matter what she did, Jessica couldn’t control what puberty was doing to her body. Her frame seemed to be wider than a lot of her peers, and there was nothing she could do to hide it. Jessica recalled having her face pushed into urinals.

Bullies would also push her down flights of stairs, intentionally trying to cause physical harm to her. But, of course, this torture affected her psychologically, too. Jessica felt so alone, and there wasn’t anywhere she could hide from the bullying.
Fast Forward to 2016
Let’s fast-forward to 2016 — our human doll is 33 years old at this point. Still going by her birth name and presenting as male, Jessica has completely transformed herself into an uncanny resemblance to a Ken doll through countless surgeries and procedures.

Making the most of this new look and all the money spent on procedures, she turned it into a career. Selling products, appearing on TV, and utilizing social media, Jessica thrived in the spotlight. She was literally everywhere; you couldn’t miss her.
The Start
So, how did this transformation start? The horrendous bullying at school had really taken a toll on her mental health and body image. At 17, Jessica had saved up $3,500 to have her breasts reduced to an average size to stop the bullying.

Unfortunately, the scars never healed, and this led to a spiral of more and more surgeries to ‘fix’ herself. Not only were these surgeries turning out to be really expensive, but they were also incredibly dangerous and posed some health risks.
Cosmetic Procedures
Let’s take a look at the cosmetic procedures Jessica has gone through to achieve this doll-like appearance. It started simple — with botox, nose jobs, and liposuction. However, soon she was getting pectoral implants, fillers in her arms, hair transplants, and even a fake six-pack.

She also got four ribs removed in 2018 for a skinnier look. Now, hardly any part of her body has gone untouched by surgeons. It’s a total 180 from how Jessica looked in her teenage years, completely reshaping everything about her body to look just like Ken.
How Expensive Was it?
Jessica claims she’s had around 57 procedures since she began. The initial cosmetic procedures she had — such as botox and liposuction, to name a few — set her back $27,000. Now, it’s estimated that she’s spent $880,000 on her complete transformation, including her $24,000 rib removal surgery.

How can she afford it? Well, Jessica earns money from endorsements, magazines, interviews, and more in order to get the look she’s after. She also appeared on Celebrity Big Brother (UK), but she was soon evicted for using a racial slur, and the episode was never aired.
Social Media
As the saying goes, all publicity is good publicity. As you can imagine, social media has been all over Jessica’s story, in both good and bad ways. Jessica has amassed over seven million followers on Instagram, with many people now supporting her.

However, as is the case with all celebrities, there’s always going to be haters and people who don’t like you. Many think it’s okay to bully someone just because it’s online. Just like in her childhood, it seems that Jessica can’t escape the bullies.
Any Regrets?
We’re sure you’re wondering if Jessica regrets any of the surgeries she has gone through. In an interview with MailOnline, she said that the rib removal was her biggest regret. She has huge scars on her back and is often in pain.

Jessica says that she doesn’t feel or look any more petite than she did before the procedure and has to wear a corset to achieve the slim waistline look. But, this isn’t the only risky and painful procedure she went through.
The Nose Job
If you remember, Jessica was bullied heavily for her nose. In 2016, she got her first nose job, and things went severely wrong. After the swelling had gone down, Jessica noticed that something didn’t seem quite right. The surgeon had used fillers to reshape her nose and put them in the wrong place.

In a desperate attempt to fix it, she immediately went for another nose job. It was far too soon to be doing another procedure, but the surgeon did it anyway. Jessica says she was aware of the risks but glossed over them in an attempt to get her dream nose.
Necrosis Diagnosis
While recovering from the second nose job, Jessica was feeling rough. She was used to severe pain after surgeries but noticed something wasn’t right when the healing was taking much longer than usual. Then, Jessica noticed a hole in her hose.

The doctors diagnosed her with necrosis, an infection that causes skin tissue to die and is potentially fatal. It can spread quickly, easily affecting the whole face. Jessica was worried that her fixation with her body image was going to kill her.