We’ve all had bad haircuts. However, did you realize that pets can even have bad hair days? So, for your entertainment we’ve gathered our favorite pet haircuts. Pet owners who thought they’d picked up the wrong species, from dogs with mullets, mohawks and emo bangs, to pet salon trips that went so badly. So here goes! The best and worst pet haircuts ever…
A Modern-Day Furry Tail
Once upon a time, this little Yorkshire Terrier wanted a haircut. So, in a modern-day fairy tale — or should we say a modern-day furry tail — she shut her eyes and wished upon a star for a trip to the groomers. But no one could have guessed that when the hairdresser cut off Rapunzel’s matted curls, this ugly ducking would become a beautiful swan! The haircut only cost the owner three magic beans. And now, little Yorkie, you shall go to the ball! Is that enough mixed metaphors for you?

Bouffant Beyonce Poodle
This handsome poodle takes the biscuit for being the best-coiffured dog in town. She’s so fluffed-up and expertly groomed that she looks like she’s just won the top prize at the 1986 American Kennel Club or Krufts, then won a walk-on role in Dynasty. She’s also wearing jewelry, making her the Queen of Dogs, the Beyoncé of Bling, the Cher of Canines, the Elton of English Setters, the Madonna of Mastiffs, the Kim Kardashian of Komondors. We could go on, but you get the idea.

Disco Dog
This shaggy dog didn’t just go to the hairdresser — he stepped back in time to the 1970s. With his afro hairstyle and furry Ugg Boots, he could play a pimp in Shaft. In an exclusive interview, he said he much prefers his new life in the ’70s. Every night, he goes disco dancing in Studio 54. He also said that the world is a much simpler place. You don’t have to lock your front dog flap.

This woofer is amazeballs. We love him because he’s just one amazing ball of fluff on legs. Check the little dude out as he runs! Look at him go! Really, though, hats off to the grooming team at the dog hair salon. They must have back-combed, coiffed, and blow-dried him for hours to get him to be this fluffy. This is what baby seals would look like if they had legs. Or clouds. Or powder puffs. Or pom poms. Or cotton candy.

Bradley Cooper Dog
This gorgeous little man is Cooper. One day he was just another shaggy dog, but the next day — after a visit to the hair salon — he ended up looking more like hunky Hollywood heartthrob Bradley Cooper! How handsome does he look? Dogs aren’t self-aware enough to recognize themselves in mirrors. But Cooper must have caught a glimpse of his reflection. How else would he look so darned happy?

King of the Jungle
One groomer came round to shave this beautiful orange cat. We think he might be a majestic Maine Coon. However, the pet hairdresser figured they’d turn their regular kitty-cat into the king of the jungle by giving him a genuine lion’s mane. How do we know it’s a he? Well, 80% of orange cats are male. The Vikings loved orange cats, and some historians say you can trace Viking voyages by ginger cat distribution.

Dog, the Lion King
Now, you may think an orangey-gingery cat would make the best lion, but this brownish-gold labradoodle makes a far better big cat. So does that make him the top dog, or is he the cat’s whiskers? How about the bee’s knees? All these similies are making our heads hurt. This happy boy’s owner made him the main effect by giving him a lion’s mane, just like Simba from The Lion King. He certainly looks like he’s taking the phrase Hakuna Matata to heart.

Kung Fu Doggo
While Po was a Kung Fu Panda, this wise old hound is a Kung Fu Doggo who will train you in ancient martial arts like Mr. Miyagi trained Ralph Macchio in the Karate Kid films. After putting you through your paces in his doggo dojo, Sensei will race you up an idyllic mountaintop and then train you in meditation. And if you’re really lucky, he’ll mentor you in the ways of The Force. Don’t get on the wrong side of him, else he will mess you up!

Look at the Size of My Head!
Long-haired cats sometimes need to be shaved if their hair gets matted or if summer gets too hot. This poor kitty looks fine from the neck up. If you place your hand over its bottom half, he looks like any regular, common-all-garden, run-of-the-mill household feline. It’s not ever the shaved bottom half that causes the cat-astrophe. It’s the clash of styles that makes him look so ridiculous. The poor thing is not even aware of how ludicrous he looks.

Don’t Feed This Mogwai After Midnight
This poor little hound was so excited on the morning of her haircut that she could hardly contain herself. Yes, she peed on the carpet. But, then the strangest thing happened. She walked into the groomers, looking like a cute little Mogwai. An hour and a half later, she walked out looking like a terrifying Gremlin. Her owner was not pleased with her new haircut, and we can see why. She looks like she’s about to bare her teeth and bite the hand that feeds her… after midnight.

Barley the Sheep Poodle
After Barley the Poodle returned home from the salon, she had an identity crisis. With a name like that, she belongs outside, running free in wheatfields. However, when her folks took her for a walk in the countryside, she didn’t know if she was a dog and should be herding the sheep into the pen — or if she was a sheep and should join the flock. After some canine psychotherapy and a couple of months fur growth, Barley was back to her old self.

Odie the Sheepadoodle
This gorgeous creature is Odie. She’s a Sheepadoodle, which is a cross between an Old English Sheepdog and a poodle. As a result, she’s one of the most pampered pooches in the nation. She even has her own Instagram page! Her owner spent a fortune arranging a spa day full of doggie treats. These included a bath, steam sauna, manicure, pedicure, facial, shampoo, and conditioning. But when they picked Odie up, they had only cut her eyelashes and nothing else!

Call the Manager, Karen
These owners are another set of pet parents who should have complained about their flea bag’s bad hair day. Actually, they wouldn’t need to complain as the haircut their dog received made her look like a right Karen. And as we all know, no one (human or canine) can kick up a fuss like Karens! After demanding to bark with the manager, Karen threatened, “I’ll see you in court.” But after eight long hours waiting at the tennis court in the park, no one showed up.

Grizzly Bear
Grizzly’s owner took him for a bath and haircut. Perhaps she left him there while she went for a well-deserved coffee. However, when she picked Grizzly up, she was sure they’d given her the wrong dog! Before his spa day, Grizzly was a gentle, kind-hearted, loving pooch… But after his close shave, he had a Mohawk like Mr. T, aka BA “Bad Attitude” Baracas from The A-Team. At dinner time, he growled, “I pity da fool,” before biting the hand that fed him.

Panda Bear Dog
When dog haircuts go wrong, the owners might think the pet salon staff gave them the wrong dog back. But when Steve’s parents collected him after a trim, they must have felt the groomers had given them back the wrong species. “Look, lady, we came in here with a Labradoodle, and we came out with a freakin’ Panda Bear!” There’s a logical explanation. It turns out that Steve was born in a zoo in China, and there was some kind of mix-up.

Camel Dog
The exact same thing happened when this little tyke’s parents picked him up. They were sure they had dropped off a dog, but salon staff handed back this camel. And yes, before you ask, they did get the hump! We love all the little touches to make their dog (yes, it is a dog, we checked) look like a dromedary. First, there’s the stirrup and colored pom-poms. But, it’s the camel tail and general excellent grooming that win. They even managed to shave in a little hump.

Billy Ray Cyrus
Ladies, this is why you don’t leave men in charge. When they wash the dishes, men will accidentally-on-purposefully drop a plate. When grocery shopping, they inadvertently return home with all the wrong food. The secret is they do this on purpose so they don’t have to do that particular chore again. It’s kinda genius, boys. Leave men in charge of dog grooming, and they give Fido a mullet like their favorite country and western singer. At least he won’t get asked to groom the dog again!

Grandpa Dog
This rooting-tootin’ varmint’s hairdo makes him look like someone’s hillbilly grandfather. As well as his Old Timer’s face, he’s pulled his britches up to his neck like he’s spoiling for a fight. And he’d defintootley snatch that fried chicken right off your plate… if he didn’t have false teeth! In the mornings, he has a hankerin’ for herding cats. In the afternoons, he whittles wood on the rocking chair on the porch before falling asleep in front of the fire, watching 1970s college football reruns.

American Eskimo Dog
This fine fellow is a Miniature American Eskimo Dog. Or at least, he was, until he went for a canine coiffure. American Eskimo Dogs are members of the Spitz dog family, so they’re used to cold environments like Siberia and Alaska. Their thick coats protect them from the cold. But, this little guy’s parents will have to learn the Inuit’s ways to keep their doggie warm. They’re going to have to learn how to build him an igloo and make clothes out of seal and caribou skins.

The Last of the Mohicans
You’d be forgiven if, at first glance, you thought this might be a Rhodesian Ridgeback. This breed comes from South Africa and is so named because they have a ridge of hair running along their backs in the opposite direction from the rest of their coat. But it’s not a Rhodesian Ridgeback — it’s a Husky with a Mohican! The owner must be a fan of Hawkeye. That’s Hawkeye from The Avengers, not Hawkeye from MASH, or Hawkeye from James Fennimore Cooper’s 1826 novel, The Last of the Mohicans.

Dino Cut
Mohawks, Mohicans, and faux-hawks are so yesterday. Still, Jurassic Times call for Jurassic Measures, so the latest fashion in pet haircare is doing the Dino. This home hair stylist decided giving their cat the latest fashion straight out of the Cretaceous Period would be a good idea. Fashionistas on catwalks worldwide are calling the daring new hairstyle the Dino Cut. She looks so proud — you can almost hear her thinking, “I am a dinosaur; hear me roar!”